Showing 41 Result(s)

99+ Best Email Newsletters To Subscribe To In 2024

We’re often inundated with ads and social media algorithms, so the content we see…is not exactly what we signed up for. But with newsletters, we can curate an inbox full of content we actually enjoy. Like physical mail, but without the heavy carbon footprint. These 99+ newsletters below span the gamut from current affairs to careers …


Our Editors Share Their Favorite Substack Newsletters

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of writing and reading newsletters—if you’re not yet subscribed to The Daily Good, here’s your subtle hint. As of late, our team has also jumped on the Substack train—reading, sharing, and even creating newsletters of our own. I myself joined Substack just over two years ago, creating a weekly newsletter with essays, music, and …


9 Women Philosophers To Inspire You In 2024

Philosophy, for me, evokes imagery of the ancients lecturing vast venues full of men: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates — the names listed as “required reading” for many of my college courses. This, ultimately, has me feeling removed from the concept of philosophy as a whole, like it’s for someone much older and much more distant. Where …


Health Is Resistance: Why Black Thought Leaders Are Advocating For Wellbeing

“When we know better, we do better,” says Tashon Thompson, co-founder of TRYWELL, a brand making supplements that address nutritional gaps commonly faced in the Black community. Most people don’t know just how dire the state of Black health is in America. “In our country there’s a longstanding cultural issue with African Americans and the health …


9 Books To Help You Reconnect With Your Sexual Desires

Books that help us feel at home in our bodies. How we connect with our bodies changes during different stages of life: whether we are back on the dating scene after a long-term relationship has ended, exploring new sides of our sexuality after having a baby, or facing some internalized shame that is suddenly causing …


Why I’m Downgrading My Career Instead Of Optimizing It

I remember when I first started to reconsider what role a career played in my life. My soulpreneur friends who were blissfully committed to their purpose-driven businesses had started to exercise their influence on me. I noticed that the memes I shared with friends were mostly about wanting to frolic full-time and the crumbling end to the …


99 Icebreaker Questions For Getting To Know Someone New

Throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, my favorite activity was always this — talking. When I was tiny and saying my prayers before bed, my mother tells me she’d have to cut me off or I’d talk into the night. “Throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, my favorite activity was always this — talking.” “Okay …